
Friday 13 May 2016

The Latest: Russian Soccer Team Has Surprise Meldonium Test

The Latest: Russian Soccer Team Has Surprise Meldonium Test

The Latest on developments in Olympic doping stories. All times local:
5:25 p.m.
FIFA doping testers have turned up unannounced to test an entire leading Russian soccer team amid suspicions of meld onium use.
FIFA medical chief Jiri Dvorak told The Associated Press that the Rostov starting eleven were tested after they won 3-1 at Dynamo Moscow on Thursday. Rostov has mounted a surprise title challenge this season and is two points behind leader Dynamo.
Dvorak said in an interview at the FIFA Congress in Mexico City that "we have today done an unannounced control of a football club, Rostov ... which we successfully completed one hour ago."
Dvorak added, "there were some rumors in the media about meldonium and Rostov ordering meld onium."
— Sports Writer Rob Harris reported from Mexico City.
10:15 p.m.
Kenyan track officials and athletes fear an Olympic ban after WADA declared the country's anti-doping program non-compliant.
Kenya was sure it had avoided a sanction last month when, after missing two deadlines, it finally passed anti-doping legislation. However, the World Anti-Doping Agency says the law still does not meet its requirements.
Top Kenyan officials were taken completely by surprise. Olympic committee chairman Kip Keino says, "How is this happening? ... I'm shocked."
The fear for Kenya is that WADA's move could spur track's governing body, the IAAF, to suspend the East African nation, as it did with Russia. The Rio Olympics are just three months away.
Kenya's javelin world champion Julius Yego says he doesn't know what to do about Rio: "Should we continue training or do we stop?"
— Sports Writer Gerald Imray reporting from Johannesburg, South Africa
11:23 p.m.
Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko says claims of organized doping by Russian athletes at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics are "absurd."
The former head of Russia's anti-doping laboratory, Grigory Rodchenkov, told the New York Times he was given a list of Russian athletes who were doping ahead of the games and was told to switch their tainted urine samples for clean ones.
The newspaper named three Russian athletes who won four gold medals in Sochi.
Mutko tells the state Tass news agency that "they are outstanding athletes and the accusations are absurd," but does not address the claims that the Russian government was involved in the alleged scheme to switch doping samples at the games.
— Sports Writer James Ellingworth reporting from St. Petersburg, Russia.
8:40 p.m.
The IOC says the allegations of Russian doping at the Winter Olympics are "very worrying" and it is asking the World Anti-Doping Agency to open an immediate investigation.
The Switzerland-based International Olympic Committee says it is concerned by the "very detailed" allegations made by the former director of Russia's anti-doping laboratory to The New York Times.
The lab director, Grigory Rodchenkov, detailed a scheme to cover up doping by Russian athletes in Sochi, including the swapping of tainted samples for clean urine. The Times said the state-run program included at least 15 medal winners in Sochi.
The IOC says: "These allegations are very detailed and very worrying and we ask the World Anti-Doping Agency to investigate immediately."
The IOC says, based on the result of the WADA inquiry, it "will not hesitate to act with its usual policy of zero tolerance for doping and defending the clean athletes."
9:05 p.m.
A scheme to cover up doping by Russian athletes at the Sochi Olympics included delivering untainted urine in baby bottles, former anti-doping official Grigory Rodchenkov says in comments reported by The New York Times.
Rodchenkov says a man he believed to be from Russia's Federal Security Service arrived at his lab in Moscow in late 2013 enquiring about the supposedly tamper-proof bottles used to store urine samples.
He figured out a system to replace the bottle caps, then delivered clean urine — in soda or baby bottles — that had been collected from the athletes before the Olympics.
Rodchenkov talked to the newspaper in interviews arranged by filmmaker Bryan Fogel, who is working on a documentary about doping.
Russian Sports Ministry spokeswoman Lyudmila Derevyanko told The Associated Press by telephone Thursday night that the ministry would not comment before its staff had translated the story into Russian for officials to read.
Calls to two numbers for Rodchenkov were not answered Thursday.
— Sports Writer James Ellingworth reporting from St. Petersburg, Russia.
2 p.m.
The number of anti-doping tests conducted in Russia has dropped by nearly two-thirds since the country's drug-fighting agency was suspended and placed under new management.
World Anti-Doping Agency officials released the figures Thursday. They said there were 2,244 tests on Russian athletes from Nov. 18 through May 5, compared to 6,890 tests during the same period the previous year.
The British anti-doping agency, with help from international advisers, is trying to rehabilitate Russia's program but is running into obstacles everywhere.
WADA said the British agency was able to find only 10 doping-control officers to collect samples throughout the vast country. And some of those officers, when trying to enter Russia's military bases, were turned away and threatened with having their visas revoked if they returned.
— Sports Writer Eddie Pells reporting from Montreal.
8:20 p.m.
Russian doctors and athletes worked together to evade drug tests at the Sochi Olympics, passing containers of urine through a hole in the wall to replace tainted samples, The New York Times has reported.
Grigory Rodchenkov, the former head of Russia's national anti-doping laboratory, is quoted by the newspaper as saying that he replaced samples with clean urine at night through a hole in the wall at the laboratory in Sochi during the 2014 Winter Games.
Athletes took photographs of their drug forms so that the samples could be identified later and switched, according to the story posted Thursday.
Three gold medalists were listed on a spreadsheet of athletes provided by Rodchenkov, the newspaper reported.
— Sports Writer James Ellingworth reporting from St. Petersburg, Russia.

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